
Add DictWriter style class using bits of the built-in csv module to handle writing jsonl files as defined at jsonlines.org.

class csv_jsonl.JSONLinesDictWriter(_fh, fieldnames=None, extrasaction='raise')

Write json formatted dictionaries, separated by newlines.


>>> from csv_jsonl import JSONLinesDictWriter
>>> l = [{"foo": "bar", "bat": 1}, {"foo": "bar", "bat": 2}]
>>> with open("foo.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _fh:
...     writer = JSONLinesDictWriter(_fh)
...     writer.writerows(l)
>>> d = {"foo": "bar", "bat": 1}
>>> with open("bar.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _fh:
...     writer = JSONLinesDictWriter(_fh)
...     writer.writerow(d)
>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> od = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 1)])
>>> with open("qux.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _fh:
...     writer = JSONLinesDictWriter(_fh)
...     writer.writerow(od)
>>> fieldnames = ["foo", "bar"] # keys = ["foo", "bat"] expect fail
>>> with open("baz.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _fh:
...     writer = JSONLinesDictWriter(_fh, fieldnames=fieldnames)
...     writer.writerows(l)
Expect ValueError
class csv_jsonl.JSONLinesListWriter(_fh, fieldnames=None, extrasaction='raise')

Write a list of lists. Optionally supply header.


>>> from csv_jsonl import JSONLineslistWriter
>>> l = zip(["foo", "bar", "bat"], range(3), range(3))
>>> with open("foo.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _fh:
...     writer = JSONLinesListWriter(_fh)
...     writer.writerows(l)
>>> l = zip(["foo", "bar", "bat"], range(3), range(3))
>>> with open("bar.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _fh:
...     writer = JSONLinesDictWriter(_fh)
...     writer.writerow(next(l))
>>> fieldnames = ["baz", "qux", "quux"]
>>> l = zip(["foo", "bar", "bat"], range(3), range(3))
>>> with open("foo.jsonl", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _fh:
...     writer = JSONLinesListWriter(_fh, fieldnames=fieldnames)
...     writer.writeheader()
...     writer.writerows(l)

Write fieldnames as first list

class csv_jsonl.JSONLinesWriter(_fh: TextIO)

Dump json-encoded dictionaries to file in jsonl format.

writerow(rowdict: Mapping[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]])

Write a dictionary as a utf-8 encoded string. Test for encoding.

The jsonlines format allows for anything json will allow, so we comply.


rowdict (Mapping[str, Any]) – dictionary with string values, su

writerows(row_iterable: Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]])

Write an iterable of dictionary-like objects (with __getitem__) as \n-separated json objects.


row_iterable (Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]) – List of dictionaries.

Indices and tables